Instructions for visiting existing sites, assessing tower health, and downloading detection data from Sensorgnome receivers.

Basic information meant to introduce landowners, managers, and organizations to the Motus WTS and receiving stations, answer questions, and begin the site planning conversation.

Sample MOU

A Memorandum of Understanding is a legal document that outlines the siting, responsibilities, and life-span of at Motus receiving station. While not always necessary, we find that many individuals and organizations want to have a contract in place before a site is installed.


It is often helpful to have informational signage at a Motus station whether it is in a remote location or in a public area. Our goal is to educate interested folks about the equipment, the Motus network and our conservation efforts. We welcome Motus users to use our signage as a template for their own uses. Contact Alison Fetterman for more information.

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